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Ristorante Grotto della Salute

Located in a happy and peaceful garden a few steps from the center of Lugano,
the Grotto della Salute, since its origins at the end of the nineteenth century, has been characterized by the authenticity and simplicity of its culinary offerings.
Today with the addition of both a touch of elegance to the venue and a more contemporary cuisine.

The Restaurant

Located in a happy and peaceful garden a few steps from the center of Lugano,
the Grotto della Salute, since its origins at the end of the nineteenth century, has been characterized by the authenticity and simplicity of its culinary offerings.
Today with the addition of both a touch of elegance to the venue and a more contemporary cuisine.

Our menus

Festa della Mamma

Domenica 12 Maggio 2024


Terrina di faraona al tartufo nero con insalatina di asparagi e ciliegie al balsamico


Calamari arrostiti con purea di avocado e piselli, zucchinette e “maionese” di mare


Uovo morbido in salsa Royale su nido di porri e spugnole con fave e crostini di pan brioche


Vitello tonnato della tradizione


Primi Piatti

Agnolotti di ricotta e borragine su passatina di piselli, burro e parmigiano


Risotto agli asparagi e robiola di Roccaverano con ragù di animelle al sugo d’arrosto e timo


Bigoli con vongole, fave, limone e briciole croccanti all’erba cipollina


Secondi Piatti

Baccalà in salsa di baccalà con olive, grissini ed erbe, insalatina di piselli e cipolle dolci confit


Coscia di coniglio in casseruola al profumo di finocchietto, bernese al pepe verde e asparagi


Punta di vitello arrotolata al vino bianco e senape, indivia gratinata e purea di patate al burro salato e aglio



Tarte Tatin di ciliegie con crema gelata al latte


Sorbetto al frutto della passione con carpaccio di ananas al pompelmo candito


Cremoso al cioccolato con spuma di nocciole del Piemonte e granita al caffè


Menu Completo

Menu completo 4 portate


The Cellar

"True connoisseurs don't drink wine, they taste secrets"
Salvador Dali

Salvador Dalì

The Cellar

"True connoisseurs don't drink wine, they taste secrets"
Salvador Dali

Cantina Grotto della Salute
The chef

The chef

Fabio Barbaglini

Already working at the age of 14, in the kitchens of Lake Maggiore, Fabio Barbaglini completed his studies in Switzerland, and then worked in various international starred restaurants, until he opened his first restaurant at the age of 23, the "Caffè Groppi" in Trecate (No), awarded the Michelin star in 2003.

Since 2022 Fabio Barbaglini has been part of our team at the Grotto della Salute as Chef.

Find out more

Eating with the Artist

The Grotto della Salute exhibits the works during 2023
by Marco Tamburro

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Michelin Bib Gourmand
Swiss Wine List Award
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