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Ristorante Grotto della Salute

Located in a happy and peaceful garden a few steps from the center of Lugano,
the Grotto della Salute, since its origins at the end of the nineteenth century, has been characterized by the authenticity and simplicity of its culinary offerings.
Today with the addition of both a touch of elegance to the venue and a more contemporary cuisine.

The Restaurant

Located in a happy and peaceful garden a few steps from the center of Lugano,
the Grotto della Salute, since its origins at the end of the nineteenth century, has been characterized by the authenticity and simplicity of its culinary offerings.
Today with the addition of both a touch of elegance to the venue and a more contemporary cuisine.

Our menus


Primavera al Grotto

Le Entrate

Foie gras d’anatra caramellato ai semi di papavero con riduzione di porto bianco, piselli, levistico e avocado


Tartare di gamberi con insalatina di asparagi al tartufo nero, maionese ai ricci di mare


Cipolla ripiena di primizie e mandorle con purea di fave alla menta, yogurt greco e crema di cipolle all'aceto di vino



Asparagi alla benedict su fondente di porri al porto bianco e spugnole



Le Paste Fresche

Tagliatelle con calamaretti, fave, limone e briciole croccanti all’erba cipollina


Agnolotti patate viola in salsa di baccalà con primizie, pomodori canditi e quinoa tostata


Risotto agli asparagi con ragout di spugnole



Fregola in sugo di datterino giallo e frutti di mare, piselli, cappesante e basilico


I Secondi

Filetti di sogliola alla mugnaia con salsa al burro bianco, asparagi e nocciole


Coscia di faraona in casseruola, salsa leggera al vino e foie gras, cipollotti e piselli


Rib eye di manzo con salsa alla senape e pepe verde, bietole e champignon


“Hamburger” di capretto panati alle erbe con composta di melanzane marinate alla menta, olio di pistacchi tostati e pecorino


Flan di piselli al finocchietto con ortaggi di primavera e riduzione agrodolce di barbabietola



The Cellar

"True connoisseurs don't drink wine, they taste secrets"
Salvador Dali

Salvador Dalì

The Cellar

"True connoisseurs don't drink wine, they taste secrets"
Salvador Dali

Cantina Grotto della Salute
The chef

The chef

Fabio Barbaglini

Already working at the age of 14, in the kitchens of Lake Maggiore, Fabio Barbaglini completed his studies in Switzerland, and then worked in various international starred restaurants, until he opened his first restaurant at the age of 23, the "Caffè Groppi" in Trecate (No), awarded the Michelin star in 2003.

Since 2022 Fabio Barbaglini has been part of our team at the Grotto della Salute as Chef.

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Eating with the Artist

The Grotto della Salute exhibits the works during 2023
by Marco Tamburro

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Michelin Bib Gourmand
Swiss Wine List Award
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